2011年5月23日 星期一

Nitrous grips

Well... there are a lot of arguments between lock on grips and normal grips, i do think both kind of grips are good, but still they have their own characteristics; so i came up with an idea... why don't just blend them and mix them together?

So here comes BTL Nitrous grips

Lock on grips that feel like normal grips, with our unique POS( Pull Out Secure ) structure so only one lockring is needed per grip, and we hide them by flanges, this protects your hands from sharp lockring bolts. Also our soft and thick compound makes Nitrous Grips absorb vibrations just like normal grips without having twisting or loosing problem.

Length: 145mm including lockring.

Weight: 123g (4.34 oz) per pair, including lockrings, bolts and heavy duty bar end blugs.

Compound hardness: 30A